Only Firelord to ever hold the title of Lord of the Shado-Pan and Firelord simultaneously. Was originally the infant younger brother of Firelord Yuyui. Firelord Kangxi, the 57th Firelord and second Firelord to ever serve in exile from Huofeng, Successfully turned the tides against the Gal Khanate who ruled much of Kun-Lai at the time, and reclaimed Huofeng Province.Abdicated at the age of 80 to her Uncle, Firelord Kangxi. One of the longest reigning Firelords in history despite never having lived in Huofeng Province during her reign. Firelord Yuyue, the 56th Firelord who ruled in exile as a teenager on succession from the death of Firelord Modi.Was succeeded by his daughter Yuyue in exile. Died during the Siege of Firewind Palace. Firelord Modi, the 55th Firelord who was the shortest reigning Firelord in history during the First Gal-Salkhi Invasion.Died to the Warlord's warband, which marked the beginning of the First Gal-Salkhi Invasion. Firelord Bing, the 54th Firelord who made first contact with the Gal-Salkhi tribe during their first raids of Huofeng Province.Firelord Yuanzhang, the 28th Firelord who created the Firewind Court Sentinels to combat the growing threat of the Lotus Group.Died by assassination during the Lotus Rebellion. Firelord Gaochi, the 27th Firelord who moved Huofeng into isolationism after the last Emperor created the Mists.She also dissolved the clan structure and marked the absolute authority of the Firelord in Huofeng. Firelord Yulin, the 23rd Firelord who preserved the title from being destroyed.Firelord Zhenren, the first Firelord who helped to defeat the Korune mogu and lead the five clans to band together during the Pandaren Uprising.On one count, there has been a grand total of 238 Firelords. After the Pandaren Empire began to remove the feudal system in exchange for a bureaucratic system, the friendship between Firelord Yulin and the Emperor allowed for the title to remain, while the other major clan head positions lost their power to make way for magistrates.Īfter the dissolution of the Panderen Empire, the title of Firelord lived on, passed down from generation to generation as head of the province. As time went on, due to the strong political nature and growing power of the Firewind Clan, the Firelord title soon grew to mean the ruler of the Province. This title was bestowed upon the clan head Zhenren Firewind by Chongli the Red Tiger, a son of Xuen that taught Firewalking to the pandaren of Huofeng Province. The head of the Firewind Clan was known as the "Firelord". During the end of the Mogu Empire, the Pandaren of Huofeng province had five major clans.